
Dr Ingeborg Ten House de Lange

Veternarian Surgeon & Accupuncture

Ingeborg graduated from Massey University in 2018. Since graduating, she  worked at a mixed practice clinic before following her passion with equine and doing her equine internship in Matamata then Massey University. She then joined us at Bay Vets where she is a wonderful mixed animal vet, specialising in equine. You'll see her in clinic and getting around the Bay of Islands caring for horses. 
Outside of work Ingeborg enjoys spending time outdoors, such as hiking and riding her horses.

Pictured is Ingeborg treating her patient with Accupuncture.

Brian is a local - he grew up in Waimate North, went to school at Ohaeawai prima

Bay Vets

Bay of Islands Veterinary Services has been providing top quality veterinary care to the animals of the beautiful Bay of Islands for over 50 years.